The Management Body of Parnitha National Park was established by Laws 2742/99 (Government Gazette 207 / A / 7-10-1999) and 3044/02 (Government Gazette 197 / A / 27-08-2002) in order to preserve the natural resources and biodiversity of the protected area, with basic care of all activities related to:

  • Conservation of habitats of special ecological importance
  • Protection of rare and endangered species of wild flora and fauna
  • Conservation of species of native flora and fauna
  • Upgrading the natural environment of the wider area
  • Promotion and support of scientific research and knowledge, by utilizing and applying results
  • Implementation of indirect priority measures for the conservation of wildlife species and habitats
  • Utilization of opportunities for environmental education and information of the inhabitants and bodies of the area
  • Promotion of media and measures – public awareness etc.
  • Strengthen the security of the areas through experienced staff.