Parnitha is located on the north side of Attica, at a distance of 20 km (in a straight line) or 36 km by road from Athens. It is a large complex from East to West, which is joined to the west by Mount Pastra and the plateau of Skourta. It is the largest and highest mountain in Attica. The general boundaries of the Parnitha massif can be determined approximately from the following geographical points (Amorgianiotis, 1997):

North: From the contribution of Mavrorema to the Boeotian plain, the village of Avlona, the settlement of Sfendali and the village of Kiourka.

East: From the village of Kiourka, the settlement of Kokkinovrachos and the Community of Kryoneri.

South: From the Community of Kryoneri, the settlement of Varybombi, the Community of Thrakomakedones and the rural areas of the Municipalities of Acharnes and Fili.

West: From the rural areas of the Municipality of Aspropyrgos, the passages that separate Parnitha from the mountain Pastra, the rural areas of the plateau of Skourta and the stream Mavrorema. That is, in the broad sense of the term, Parnitha includes the entire mountainous area that extends between Penteli and Pastra.


Its proximity to the Athens Basin and the adequate road network that crosses it, make it immediately accessible from all sides. It is easily accessible from the south, west and east. From the south, or from the asphalt road that goes up from the foot of Parnitha (cable car) to Ag. Triada (altitude 1,020 m), where it meets the length of 16 km – closed to cars – ring road at the core of the National Park, or via the cable car, which starts from Metochi and after a route of 1,700 m. arrives at the Mont Parnes Hotel. From the west, an asphalt road goes up from the settlement of Fili to the source of Fili (17 km), where a forest road starts to Ag. Triad. In Eastern Parnitha there is also an asphalt road from Varybopi to Ag. Mercury, from where you can reach Avlona in North Parnitha.


Accommodation in the National Park can be done in the shelters of mountaineering clubs:

Caution: Drive carefully to Parnitha there are deer and other mammals that move freely in the forest.